Soltek SL-KT600-R Review @ HardwareZone
Here is one of the newest mobos from Soltek featuring the new VIA KT600 chipset. The board is built in the typical Soltek manner giving you a "no frills" mobo to start building on. Some people don't like that much but for me this is the ultimate starting point. The only question that remains is “do you still get a good bang for the lack of bux?”
In most cases, the answer would be yes.
"Our final comment would be a note on how to overclock CPUs on this motherboard. For example, if you had an FSB333 CPU and wish to use FSB400, you will first have to change the multiplier ratio required, save to CMOS, exit the BIOS and power down your system. On the motherboard is a small jumper block that governs FSB speed and their default is set for auto detection."
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