
ATI Radeon 9800 XT 256MB Card Review @ Digit-Life

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Digit-Life takes a look at ATI's latest and greatest RAdeon 9800XT video card. With a changed HSF and higher clock speeds over the 9800pro, this card is the fastest thing ATI has to offer.
"So, what's the difference between the R360 and its predecessor? Actually, only the clock speeds differ. The RADEON 9800 PRO has its core clocked at 380 MHz while the memory speed depends: the 128MB card has DDR memory working at 340 (680) MHz and the 256MB one has the 350(700) MHz DDR-II memory. The RADEON 9800 XT has the clock speeds of 412/365 (730) MHz and is equipped with the 256MB DDR. The memory modules are bigger, and they are 8 instead of 16."

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