
Slackware 8.1 Woes

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Well it was a Slackware install weekend in celebration of the 8.1 release of Slackware. So far I have yet to get a good install given the many setbacks and problems I've experienced.
First of all the bootable ISO image wouldn't boot on any of our dedicated linux machines. After further investigation I discovered that the Slackware people used a different size boot image so unless you have an uber new computer fresh from the store or an applicable bios flash supporting the new boot image you'll have to break out the obsolete 3.5" floppies and make a set of boot and root disks (6 total).
One of the reasons I was so excited about the new Slackware was its support for the major journaling file systems like jfs and xfs. Problem is they didn't apply the patches to the kernel source so be warned if you wish to recompile your kernel while using xfs or jfs.

Stay tuned for more ranting later.

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