Tech News

  • Hercules Gamesurround Fortissimo II

    Published: Thursday, June 28, 2001 | By: Dennis

    Just a quick announcement, I just recently got one of these cards and will have a review of it up hopefully by Saturday.

  • The Peak of Moores Law

    Published: Thursday, June 28, 2001 | By: Dennis

    I find this kind of interesting. In about 20years time according to Moore's law transistors will be only a few atoms wide. What this means is that processor transistors will be so small that they won't work. (So to speak) has a short article up on the subject. Its one of those reads that makes you go hummm.

  • Tech Changes @ Ninjalane

    Published: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 | By: Dennis

    Being a professional Web Developer I try to keep up with the latest trends and find easier ways to do things. When I started Ninjalane it was an experiment in web programming "for a better career" (where have we heard that before, Sally?). Then later transformed into what you see now. In my slow process of expanding the website I needed a better way to post my project, articles, and reviews. The current format is HTML and is somewhat cumbersome to work with, so as a result I created an XML "engine" as I call it that will take care of everything. Look for a write up titled "The Technology behind" to be posted soon.

    Anyhow I plan to be updating the website sometime later this week so if you come across a link that is no longer working please let me know. The email address is in the lower right.

  • Color Anodized ThermoEngines

    Published: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 | By: Dennis

    The "iMac Syndrome" strikes again. Seriously though color-coding your computer goods has become quite popular. The only problem is finding a company that produces the colored goods that will match your current color scheme.

    This site not only has color coded ThermoEngines but also Volcanoes and mini orbs.

  • Intel Aquires Alpha

    Published: Monday, June 25, 2001 | By: Dennis

    Compaq has released control of its Alpha processor division to none other than Intel. The Inquirer claims that Intel and Compaq will work together in a joint effort in "advanced parallelism", the rumor being both 64bit platforms will melt into one design and piss everyone off. The Inquirer has the full scoop.

  • Rounded vs. Flat ATA Cables that is

    Published: Thursday, June 21, 2001 | By: Dennis

    Systemlogic, a site that cannot close an link tag has posted proof to an age old question. "Do rounded ATA cables hurt system performance?" I remember back when ATA66 and the new 80wire ATA cable where released. The added wires where supposed to decreases data corruption over the high-speed bus. So if you decide to round your ATA cables do so with care, and in groups of 5.

  • Dual Athlon Review @ GamePC

    Published: Wednesday, June 20, 2001 | By: Dennis

    For once I was able to read something at without having the text be all squished up against the side. They have having problems with Netscape, again. :)

    Anyevent, GamePC took a long hard look at a Dual Athlon setup and found the performance to be poor at best. Considering this is AMD's first stab at SMP I'm not surprised. See the review here

  • .13 Micron Tualatin

    Published: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 | By: Dennis

    It looks like the .13 micron Pentium 3's are going to be released in two phases. The first being a non-SMP version followed by an SMP'able version both having with 512k of cache. So it looks like Intel will once again try their hands at a +1Ghz Pentium3 but this time the processor will be a Server only application.

  • Removal of Playtime Case Mod

    Published: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 | By: Dennis

    Some of you may have seen my latest case mod that we called "Playtime". Well due to unforeseen complications it was requested of me to remove the "Playtime" case mod from my website. Sorry for any inconvenience.
    Feel free to contact me with any questions you might have.

  • Hydraulic Full-Tower Case Review @ GideonTech

    Published: Monday, June 18, 2001 | By: Dennis

    If you remember back a few months ago we did a case mod on a case just like this one. If you missed it before see it again. Stealth Mod