Tech News

  • Interview with Rene Froeleke of ATi

    Published: Friday, January 12, 2001 | By: Dennis

    I really like these interviews they give us the ability to see what's going on behind the scenes at some of the top hardware companys. This time the interview is with ATI.

    Maybe I'll start doing some, now I just need someone to interview.

  • Little Gamers

    Published: Friday, January 12, 2001 | By: Dennis

    Its amazing what you find in some of that spam we all subscribe to. This morning GameSpy sent me this link with the caption of "Cutie n' Shit".

  • Banners at Ninjalane

    Published: Thursday, January 11, 2001 | By: Dennis

    Well I have finally found a good deal on a couple banners for this site. Ninjalane was never really designed with banner ads in mind so you might see some layout changes in the future.

  • Nvidia GeForce 2 DXTC bug

    Published: Thursday, January 11, 2001 | By: Dennis

    The Register has stumbled across a bug with the GeForce and DirectX texture compression. The bug was found while comparing the GeForce2 MX and the 32meg Radeon in image quality. The Register claims that this is a hardware problem though personally I believe it could be solved with a driver update. Never-the-less it does bring up some interesting questions.

    Check out the screenshots at the bottom of the page.

  • Xbox News and Nvidia

    Published: Wednesday, January 10, 2001 | By: Dennis

    MSXbox has prepared an interview with he PR Guy from Nvidia. I admit I am a supporter of Nvidia, whenever there is a question about their products the PR department always steps forward and sets the record straight. No BS (that we can tell) just forward and to the point. MSXbox has interviewed Derek Perez, Director of Public Relations for Nvidia and has some interesting things to say.

    On a side note: With the release of the Xbox coming across the horizon in the near future and the upcoming release of the NV20 it will be interesting to see how the market and Nvidia do this year.

  • Banner Ad

    Published: Tuesday, January 9, 2001 | By: Dennis

    I have been looking high and low for a good place to sign up for a banner ad. So far I have only found ones like "5% commission on every sale" or "$0.01 per click" not very reassuring for a site like mine. If you have any suggestions please let me know.

  • Ozzie osboren at IBM??

    Published: Tuesday, January 9, 2001 | By: Dennis

    It seems that the WebSphere software from IBM is now translating webpages on the fly to its users. something that has been long overdue for the web. Now since this isn't really THAT interesting for all of us English speaking folk, what is funny is this..."

    ``The demand is very simple,'' said Ozzie Osborne, general manger of IBM Voice Systems. ``Its for people who want to translate quickly and easily, who can't get translation. Much of the content of the Web is in English, but population using the Web is becoming non-English speaking.''

    Osborne said the WebSphere translation server, which has been tested by businesses such as Deutsche Bank and will be available in March, will provide global entities with the ability to allow their workforce to communicate. It also will open up new markets for English language e-commerce sites.

    I wonder if the website will start jammin to "Crazy Train" if you enter the secret code.

  • Uncrackable Passwords

    Published: Saturday, January 6, 2001 | By: Dennis

    We all know that a password is only good when only the proper people know it. Too bad that the really good passwords are also the ones that we all forget.

  • Ninjalane Message Forums now Online

    Published: Friday, January 5, 2001 | By: Dennis

    Well it is complete, I have posted the last of the code needed for the New version of the Ninjalane Message Forums.

    Register, post, and be happy.

  • Banner Ads no good?

    Published: Friday, January 5, 2001 | By: Dennis

    It seems that the trouble with the online world has affected the UGO Network and they have resorted to cut back on banner payments. This is also affecting many of the larger hardware and gaming sites out there. Considering how many page views you need to have before even being considered for an UGO banner, and how much work must go into running a site of this size. I can see how many of these sites will be no more in the coming months.

    As you can see I am banner free. Maybe that will change in the coming months.