Tech News

  • P4 Overclocking Guide

    Published: Sunday, December 24, 2000 | By: Dennis

    I caught glimpse of this over at GamePC today and was very surprised. Normally I'm not real big on first generation hardware releases, but for the P4 I might make an exception.

    The Pentium 4 looks like it will be a great platform for the CyberAthlete. You will get great memory bandwidth due to Rambus, the highest CPU clock speeds, and double-digit multipliers. See the review at GamePC.

  • Iwill KA266-R DDR Motherboard

    Published: Saturday, December 23, 2000 | By: Dennis

    Now that the DDR chipsets have been on the market for a month or so I've been quite curious about how they perform. We all know what DDR does for video technology and bandwidth but how would a processor use it. Club Overclocker has a review of Iwill's offering to this new platform with some interesting benchmarks to boot.
    Iwill KA266-R DDR Motherboard

  • 2 days left before Christmas

    Published: Saturday, December 23, 2000 | By: Dennis

    That is right, there is only 2 shopping days left before Christmas. Iike most of us I got most of my shopping done but I can't resist the last minute dash to the mall. The traffic sucks but oh well.


  • PVP Online comic

    Published: Wednesday, December 20, 2000 | By: Dennis

    Three times a week I venture to that little site called Penny Arcade to see the latest comic. Today hidden within Tycho's comic supporting rant he made a reference to another online comic "Player vs. Player". It is a must see for the "CyberAthlete in all of us.
    btw Here is todays Penny Arcade comic.

  • NV20 Rumors

    Published: Wednesday, December 20, 2000 | By: Dennis

    I caught a glimpse of this when I followed a link from the infamously non-Netscape6 compatible site [H}ard|OCP.
    It would seem that someone on the inside leaked info about the NV20 release date and public demos. Here is a snip

    January 6-9, 2001
    NV20 "technology" demos are going to be publicly shown at Winter Consumer Electronic Show and at MacWorld but no product details will be announced at these events.

    February 27, 2001
    Product launch with full product info and product-level promotion at Intel's Developer Forum.

    It seems like yesterday when the hottest thing was the TNT2 Ultra.

  • GameSpy looks at the P4

    Published: Monday, December 18, 2000 | By: Dennis

    With these cropping up all over I'm sure everyone will become quite knowledgeable in the ways of the P4.

    This article is quite in-depth and since it's from gamespy you know it won't just be biz benchmarks.

  • Win2K SP2

    Published: Saturday, December 16, 2000 | By: Dennis

    Win2k SP2 is almost here. Though it is still in beta testing I am already looking forward to what it has to offer err.. fix. I still miss having added features when installing Service Packs. Then again at least my computer will work after I patch it.

  • Nvidia buys 3Dfx

    Published: Saturday, December 16, 2000 | By: Dennis

    According to this article 3Dfx will sell most of the biz to Nvidia.

    I've not been a great fan of 3Dfx products but I do admit to buying a Voodoo1 card back in the day. To bad the news hasn't done much for Nvidia's stock.
    Nvidia buys 3Dfx

  • Quake3 Point Release 1.27g

    Published: Friday, December 15, 2000 | By: Dennis

    I've noticed that FilePlanet has the 1.27 point release posted and if you have been following the news on the id front you will know that the TA release is coming very soon.

  • Epox EP-D3VA Review

    Published: Monday, December 11, 2000 | By: Dennis

    2cpu finally got their review up on the Epox EP-D3VA. Overall it is a very good review with lots of info.

    We here at Ninjalane also took a peak at this board. See the comparison between it and Abit's VP6 in the reviews section.