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AVN Adult Entertainment Expo 2010 Coverage (NSFW)
Author: Dennis Garcia
Published: Monday, January 18, 2010

Meet the pr0n Stars
There were several stars present signing autographs, posing for photos and in some cases giving away videos. Sadly we didn't get any such things this year and due to issues with my new fancy camera flash any of them didn't turn out very good at all.
The only star pictured here that I know is Tori Black who also won Female Performer of the Year along with several other awards. Sadly I didn't get her autograph this year, seems she was Ms popular commanding the longest cues.
The only star pictured here that I know is Tori Black who also won Female Performer of the Year along with several other awards. Sadly I didn't get her autograph this year, seems she was Ms popular commanding the longest cues.
Tori Black
Other Stars