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Comdex Fall 2002 Day 2
Author: Dennis Garcia
Published: Tuesday, November 19, 2002

Our second day at Comdex wasn't as action packed or nearly as fun as the first. The previous night we
combed though the exhibitor directory looking for companies that either we didn't find the first day or never knew
signed up. We then marked them on the convention floor map and decided to seek them out first thing in the morning.
To start our day we had breakfast at the Windows Bar and Grill located right down the street from the
Convention center in the Marriott Suites. Justin decided to try the Penguin and eggs while I opted for the French
toast. Breakfast was excellent along with the top-notch service. I believe that next year this will be the place to stay.
After breakfast we traversed though the crowd of pr0n peddlers and quack doctors trying to
get a sample of our DNA to the Convention Center. Once there we consulted the map we prepared
the night before, this is what we found.