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Computex 2007 Day 1
Author: Dennis Garcia
Published: Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Welcome to Computex
This is the 27th year for Computex and is currently the largest computer show in Asia. As some of you may already remember the 2006 show set records for both buyers and overseas visitors. Sadly we couldn’t attend this event but based on what we’ve seen this should be another record year.
The atmosphere at computex is a little different than before in that the weather reports call for rain the entire week. Subtropical rain is quite nice and helps cool everything down, that is until it starts to evaporate at which point the humidy kicks in.
The atmosphere at computex is a little different than before in that the weather reports call for rain the entire week. Subtropical rain is quite nice and helps cool everything down, that is until it starts to evaporate at which point the humidy kicks in.

The majority of our meetings are with companies we have done business with in the past however there are a few new companies on the list. Our daily coverage will highlight these meetings along with some of the cool stuff we find along the way. 

With any luck we'll have 4 of these and our patented Booth Babe edition.