
BMW M3 Easter Egg

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It would appear that Easter eggs are not limited to computer software and DVD's anymore, the new BMW M3 has one too. It would seem that after pressing the right buttons in the right order then dropping the hammer to 5 grand will launch you forward from a standing stop.

"For lucky drivers of this hot car, here's how: Switch off the stability system and select shift program six. Switch the engine to sport mode. With the hand shifter in drive, hold it in the downshift position and press the gas pedal. The engine will rev to the preprogrammed rpm and hold. Now release the shifter. The car will launch forward violently and the engine's revs will climb quickly, so be prepared to upshift. "

I'm not lucky so don't come crying to me if it doesn't work. oh and it would appear that the US model is not as aggressive so make sure you get the European software installed.

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