
HaxX0r the Planet with VPN

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A well known hacker group calling themselves Hactivismo have developed a piece of software that will allow anyone to "get around" web filtering software and remain completely anonymous and untraceable. Sound to good t0o be true?

" Mixter's software -- known as a "protocol" in technical terms -- would allow ordinary computer users to set up a decentralized version of virtual private networks (VPNs). VPNs are used by governments and many companies to create secure networks that are fenced off from the public Internet. "

They go on to say...

" Hactivismo says it can defeat attempts to restrict Web surfing to controversial Internet news and human rights sites by disguising such sites to make them look innocuous. "

So the internet is supposed to be free but with advances in "snooping" technology your going to have to create a private internet for yourself to ensure your privacy.

"It may also raise concerns among Western police agencies, who fear the technology could be used by criminals to swap child pornography or by Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network to plot new attacks around the globe. "

Good Point sad smile

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