Tech News

  • ATI Mobility Radeon 9000 Review @ UK Gamer

    Published: Thursday, August 29, 2002 | By: Dennis

    When you think mobile computer you think, laptop, you also think "not for the gamer". With the release of the ATI Mobility Radeon 9000, or M9 for short, the "not for gamer" stereotype is about to change.

  • Sony To Axe the Betamax

    Published: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 | By: Dennis

    I had no idea Sony was even still making these things but it would appear that they plan to build 2,000 more of these machines and then retire the 27 year old product.

    "Betamax -- held up as an example of how the first to market is not guaranteed commercial success -- had already been pulled from overseas markets in the 1990s, a Sony spokesman said. "

  • KT400: VIA Could Lead the New AMD Market

    Published: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 | By: Dennis

    When I first saw this headline I said to myself, "Wasn't VIA leading the market anyway?" Here is a clip,

    "VIA Technologies will probably assume the lead in the chipset market for Advanced Micro Devices’s (AMD) new FSB (front-side bus) 333MHz-based processors, with its current dominance in the AMD-platform sector and early volume production of the KT400 chipset, which supports the new bus."

    This should be exciting for sure.

  • MSI 648 Max Preview @ OCworkbench

    Published: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 | By: Dennis

    As of this posting this Pre/review consists of the following, 4 pages of badly watermarked images, a small amount of text about each image, and no benchmarks.

    If you want to see a very poor implementation of a logo being used as a watermark and a pretty cool Red PCB motherboard click the link below. Otherwise I think we all can just point and laugh. dissapprove smile

  • An Apology from the UK??

    Published: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 | By: Dennis

    I was checking out the "I cannot post comics or anything funny on a regular basis" Little Gamers online comic today and noticed a link to titled "An Apology To Our US Readers".

    It was actually funny, imagine that.. shock smile

  • Dual-channel P4X600 and SiS655

    Published: Tuesday, August 27, 2002 | By: Dennis

    I knew this was coming but I didn't expect it to happen so soon. DigiTimes is reporting that P4X600 and SiS655 samples will be going out in September with an expected market date in the 4th quarter.

    Intel is working on a Dual Channel DDR solution according to their roadmap but have yet to finalize the release schedule.

  • Piracy, Windows XP SP1, and You

    Published: Monday, August 26, 2002 | By: Dennis

    Some information about the pending WindowsXP SP1 has surfaced at Microsoft in an attempt to field the question of, "What if my install of WindowsXP is pirated??"

    Here is what Microsoft claims will happen if you try to install SP1 on a priated version of WinXP
    " They will be unable to install the update until they have acquired genuine software and installed that software with a valid product key. Nothing will happen to their underlying Windows XP installation. Access to upgrades and service releases is a benefit that Microsoft offers to those who have acquired and use genuine Microsoft products only. There are no exceptions to this."

    Here is how you can tell if you will be screwed or not
    "What are the product keys that are affected by this?"
    We are not publishing the product keys themselves, however the product IDs generated from these product keys are (where X may be any numeric value):
    The product ID can be found by right clicking on My Computer and choosing Properties and viewing the General tab.

  • Pentium 4 2.80GHz Released

    Published: Monday, August 26, 2002 | By: Dennis

    Processor reviews galore! Just about every hardware site on the net has posted a review for this new processor and only a select few even mention the other 3 processors in the announcement.
    2.50GHz 400MHz FSB
    2.60GHz 400MHz FSB
    2.66GHz 533MHz FSB
    2.80GHz 533MHz FSB

    So what does this mean for the consumer?? Faster, and yet Cheaper Pentium 4's. That us until the 3.06GHz processors are released which should happen in a few months.

    Here is some reviewage for your viewing pleasure.
    The Tech Report
    Lost Circuits
    ]H[ard|(Opal Covered, Pinto)dissapprove smileangry smilesad smile

  • Pentium III to be Discontinued

    Published: Friday, August 23, 2002 | By: Dennis

    Intel has finally decided to discontiune the Pentium 3 line of processors something that should have been done quite some time ago.

  • Chipset Makers Ready for AMD FSB Change

    Published: Friday, August 23, 2002 | By: Dennis

    "Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) has reportedly decided to change the FSB (front-side bus) standard of its upcoming Athlon XP 2700+ processor from the current 266MHz to 333MHz, contrary to its previous announcement that it would not alter the architecture of its K7-core Athlon XP products."

    This is some pretty good news. Though it makes you wonder, did the chipset market drive this change? or was it something else?