Tech News

  • Online Time For The Xbox

    Published: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 | By: Dennis

    Nov. 15th is the planned launch date of "Xbox Live" and for 50bux you too can have your Xbox online not including broadband costs.

    "Microsoft will sell a $50 Xbox Live starter kit that includes a headset microphone, a one-year subscription to the service, and software that allows the Xbox to tap into an existing broadband Internet connection. "

  • Other Programs Have Holes Too

    Published: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 | By: Dennis

    "Konqueror (kssl to be precisely) fails to detect certificates as invalid that have been signed by an issuer who is not allowed to do so. A patch for this problem has been commited to both the CVS HEAD branch and the KDE_3_0_BRANCH."

    Looks like another afternoon spent compiling KDE is on the horizon.

  • Some Companies Hate GNU

    Published: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 | By: Dennis

    Breakdown described this article as "Compelling", and I would tend to agree. The piece is written by an MCSE who wanted to get back into the bloody knuckles of being a network admin. Armed with OpenSource software he took on a British company's network policy and won, until he was fired for not conforming.

    Moral of the story? Free software may someday save your life until it gets you fired.

  • Gecko Included in AOL for Mac

    Published: Monday, August 12, 2002 | By: Dennis

    It would appear that AOL has finally come around and finally intergrated a Gecko based browser into the next AOL software release for the Mac.

    "They have tarted it up and made it look like a MAC application. It finally does have HTML mail so you can read mail that has pictures and colors,"


  • microATX Alu Cube

    Published: Monday, August 12, 2002 | By: Dennis

    If anyone can actually translate this page I would love to know what it says and more importantly where I can get one. big grin smile

  • Mac Stoner Chix

    Published: Monday, August 12, 2002 | By: Dennis

    w00t for Apple! They finally figured it out who their audience is. tongue smile Ellen Feiss, a student and stoner, was called on by Apple to recall her encounter with the "not Macintosh" Windows PC. According to the Apple ad the Windows PC devoured her school paper and later goes on to say that it was "Kind of a Bummer".

    Next to the tie-dyed iMac this has got to be the funniest thing that apple has ever done.

  • R300 Renamed and Launched Early

    Published: Friday, August 9, 2002 | By: Dennis

    The Radeon 9700 is now reffered to as the Radeon 9700 PRO and is expected to hit the shelves by August 19th.

  • i845 Alphabet Soup

    Published: Friday, August 9, 2002 | By: Dennis

    3 new Intel P4 chipsets will be available to motherboard makers around mid-August. 845GE, 845PE and 845GV will added to the growing list of i845 variations making it an alphabet soup of P4 chipset solutions to choose from.

    Might this add to consumer confusion as to what to buy?? I think yes.

  • VIA Raises Prices on P4 Chipsets

    Published: Friday, August 9, 2002 | By: Dennis

    Normally this sort of thing just doesn't happen but VIA is raising the price of their P4X2xxx line of chipsets from wherever it was as to a whopping... 15 bux shock smile OMG! call the President. big grin smile

    "VIA Technologies has decided to raise the prices of its P4X266, P4X266E and P4M266 chipsets by nearly 10% on August 10, surprisingly defying the prevailing price-cut trend in the current market."

  • Soltek SL-85ERV Motherboard Review Posted

    Published: Friday, August 9, 2002 | By: Dennis

    The Soltek SL-85ERV is a very amazing motherboard based around one of the most intriguing chipsets on the market, the P4X400. This board has all of the latest things including AGP 8x, ATA133, DDR333 with unofficial DDR400 support, Soltek's signature RedStorm tech to name a few.