Tech News
Website Feature Reminder
Published: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 | By: DennisThis is a friendly reminder of the many features that are somewhat hidden here at Ninjalane.
First and foremost ad space both above and to the left. Our advertisers keep the reviews fresh and help pay for bandwidth so please click and buy what you can.
Next we have the Ninjalane Message Forums. In recent months I have applied quite a few updates to enhance forum features and security. What are you waiting for?, go forth and Register, its free!
Another not so well known feature is the Ninjalane World News section that features and XML news feed from
For those that dare to be different you can change the color of your Ninjalane experience by applying a Color Theme, currently the default color is green though you can choose from Red, Blue, and Gray.
Also keep watch for Ninjalane v2 to be released soon, the design is done I just need to find time to code the templates. -
KoreaMOD Moddin Site
Published: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 | By: DennisThis site is littered with Korea speak so us non-Korean speaking peeps will have to settle with looking at pretty pictures. Be warned there is a nasty refresh bug in the gallery section that reloads the page every 20 seconds or so, its really annoying in non-IE browsers.
VIA Releases VIA Apollo P4X266E Chipset
Published: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 | By: DennisThe VIA Apollo P4X266E is an upgraded chipset giving support for the new 533MHz Pentium 4 processors. Along with the illegal licensing scheme you also get ATA133, and USB 2.0.
AMD K8 Chipsets Ready - Where Are the Processors?
Published: Tuesday, May 21, 2002 | By: DennisDigiTimes tells us that K8 chipsets will be at Computex but the processors have yet to be seen. For once the chipset market is ahead of the game.
[H]ard|OCP Joined The Internet Age
Published: Monday, May 20, 2002 | By: DennisKyle and the OCP gang have rolled out their new site design this week complete with PHP programming and a PostgreSQL backend. Now if they will ever post the news I send in I'll be happy.
VIA P4X333 Review @ Anandtech
Published: Monday, May 20, 2002 | By: DennisI really like the title of this review "VIA's P4X333 - If they only had a License". It would appear that Anand is happy with the performance. In case you didn't know VIA has cornered the market with their AMD chipsets though is producing Pentium 4 chipsets "illegally". In a way it's like driving without a license, nobody can really stop you from doing it and you might be really good but, when you get caught there can be trouble.
AMD Demos the Slegehammer
Published: Friday, May 17, 2002 | By: DennisThe demo system was even running the 64-bit version of Windows. So in a way we have a couple of firsts here. The first public demo of the Slegehammer and the first public demo of a 64-bit Windows OS
Intel Celeron 1.7GHz @ Anandtech
Published: Friday, May 17, 2002 | By: DennisThis is a typical Celeron offering cept its using a trimmed down Willamette P4 core. The trimmings really hurt overall performance but for less than 100 bones what can you expect.
MSI 845E Max2 Review @ tbreak
Published: Friday, May 17, 2002 | By: DennisMSI seems to be really on the ball when it comes to releasing new products to the public. This board is based on the new Intel 845E Pentium 4 chipset supporting the new 533MHz FSB. Intel still hasn't switched to the current DDR333 trend but that's not a big surprise considering DDRII is coming around the corner.
Gainward GeForce4 Ultra/650TV GS Review @ tbreak
Published: Friday, May 17, 2002 | By: DennisThis looks to be a great low-end solution to the GeForce4 line of video cards. Nvidia originally wanted the GF4MX to fill that gap but the chip left much to be desired. Plus the PCB is red.