Tech News

  • More Intel Dram Issues

    Published: Saturday, March 30, 2002 | By: Dennis

    A little while ago we posted a news story saying that the JEDEC may not approve the DDR400 memory spec and I made a comment about how Intel might not like that to much, well I guess I spoke to soon. Here is a snip.
    "But sources believe that the chip giant will support the new 333-MHz DDR SDRAM (DDR-333) standard, but will bypass proposed DDR-400 products in favor of a next-generation DRAM architecture called DDR-II."

  • Welcome to the New Ninjalane Server

    Published: Friday, March 29, 2002 | By: Dennis

    Due to Interland screwing up my account I have opted to move this site to a more reliable server, Enter Hostway.

    You may have noticed that some of the news posts are missing along with a few threads in the Message Forums. That is due to Interland deciding that they would solve the problem by deleting my website completely.
    "Dear Client,
    Thank you for your support request. There was a problem on the server in which your account resides. You will need to upload your data to your site as the data for your account has been lost. I am sorry for the inconvience, however we do not guarantee data and you should always keep a backup.
    Thank you"

    Needless to say that is not how you treat a customer and pretty much sux.

    update: Interland decided it was a good idea to restore from backup so I was able to download the database. cool smile

  • 7-Way GeForce4 Ti Overview @ GamePC

    Published: Thursday, March 28, 2002 | By: Dennis

    I think it is best just to quote GamePC in reference to this Overview.
    "Every GeForce4 Ti4600 card performs exactly the same. Sure, there are some small variances here and there, but when you look at the numbers as a whole, we generally see a 1-2% variation of benchmark scores between the different cards."

  • Maxtor D740X-6L Review @ I am Not a Geek dot com

    Published: Thursday, March 28, 2002 | By: Dennis

    The IBM replacement drive of the future is at a computer store near you but be careful. big grin smile
    "[rant below]"
    I tried to pick one of these up from a local computer store that also sells on the web. According to their website they had a few of these drives in stock so on my lunch hour I drove down there with the intention of making a purchase. I walked in and said "I need a Maxtor D740X 40gig drive" the counter guy said sure and walked back to the storeroom. He came back a short time later with a Maxtor D540X and said, "I don't know what the difference is but this is what we have." Buying a hard drive is kind of confusing at times but when you sell the stuff you should at least know what the numbers mean. Needless to say the store didn't stock the D740X so I walked out.
    "[/end rant]"

  • Soltek SL-8DRV3 Review @ VIAHardware

    Published: Thursday, March 28, 2002 | By: Dennis

    VIAHardware take a look at the SL-85RDV3 from Soltek. This board contains the RedStorm Overclocking feature that Soltek is famous for along with chipset tweaking in typical VIA fashion, together they make a very impressive combination. VIA appears to be still going strong in the P4 chipset market despite the hounding from Intel that we don't hear much of anymore.

  • DDR400 Might Not Become a Standard

    Published: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 | By: Dennis

    EE Times has the scoop directly from the JEDEX conference in California. Here is a snip "a representative from JEDEC outlined the future roadmap for the "mainstream" DRAM market, disclosing that the organization "may or may not" ratify the 400-MHz version of the double-data-rate (DDR) SDRAM technology as a standard." They go on to say the disclosure could upset memory manufactures, I'm thinking it will most likely upset Intel since it was them that originally pushed to have DDR400 available.

  • Modified Dreamcast games for Xbox

    Published: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 | By: Dennis

    A Taiwan software company has been contracted by Sega to convert 12 of its games to the xbox platform. When I read this headline I was expecting to see news of an emulator, I guess Sega has opted to relive the days of the Dreamcast instead. /keys dream sequence music.

  • A Day of No News

    Published: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 | By: Dennis

    Sorry for the lack of news day yesterday but it was pretty busy here in the lab then towards evening time I guess my webhost decided I had enough traffic for one night and killed the server for about 12 hours. angry smile fsck3r5!!

  • P4 Voltage Mod

    Published: Monday, March 25, 2002 | By: Dennis

    VR-Zone has a voltage mod posted for your P4 system. This is the second mod of this nature that we have seen in recent months so it must work. tongue smile

  • Kingmax TinyBGA DDR400 PC3200 Review @ HardwarePub

    Published: Monday, March 25, 2002 | By: Dennis

    Belly up to the bar and have a listen to a review on DDR400.