Tech News

  • Hercules GeForce Tweak Utility

    Published: Sunday, June 17, 2001 | By: Dennis

    I saw over at the RivaStation that a new tweak utility has been released by Hercules for their Nvidia based products. I would suggest only installing it if you can't get coolbits to work. Just for the record I have the Det 12.60 installed on my GeForce3 and after installing the coolbits I was able to overclock the card, not sure why everyone else is having problems.
    Hercules Tweak Utility

  • GeForce3 Reviews Abound

    Published: Friday, June 15, 2001 | By: Dennis

    Looking around the net I see that with the retail release of the GeForce3 there have been an explosion of reviews and comments about the new chip from Nvidia. Anandtech, and Hard|OCP have reviews up. I even noticed the other day that Arstechnica posted a friendly blurb saying they are sorry for being skeptical.

    About 3 weeks ago I became a proud owner of the Prophet III and all I've had is troubles. Once I figure out what the root of the problem is I'll let you all know.

  • Spyware and Creative Labs

    Published: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 | By: Dennis

    I can understand installing spyware into free programs but when you actually pay for the product thats going to far. I think the ole SoundBlaster Live! is going to be replaced in short order, but only because it sux.

  • Dual-Head Linux

    Published: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 | By: Dennis

    Source Magazine web published an article on dual monitor support under linux. I think I might give it a try; I've been running dual monitors on my Win2k box for quite some time now. The extra monitor space is very helpful with the type of work I do.

    All I need now is a KVM that works with dual monitors and I'd be set.

  • Email working again

    Published: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 | By: Dennis

    Well after a long chat with my new web host it would seem that my email is now working. I apologize to anyone that tried to contact me via email and got their message returned.

  • Gainward GeForce3 review @ mediaxplosion

    Published: Monday, June 11, 2001 | By: Dennis

    Yes I know the site is in German but from what I can tell this is the only review of the Gainward card on the net. You can see the mediaxplosion review here.

    If anyone is interested has them in stock and for sale.

  • mod_gzip for Apache

    Published: Monday, June 11, 2001 | By: Dennis

    With most hosting packages the company charges you based on how many GB's you move across their system. Of course if you can support the same amount of traffic with half of the bandwidth you will be in business. That is what mod_gzip does for you on Apache webservers. Kyle at Hard|OCP claims his bandwidth went down 50% since they started using it. At about 650GB a month that is quite a savings.

  • 1.4Ghz Athlon Review @ got|apex

    Published: Friday, June 8, 2001 | By: Dennis

    Based on the review they only got another 100Mhz out of the processor when they overclocked it, seems pretty low. I think this is a sign that AMD could be getting close to the limit of the T-Bird core.

    Regardless look for this processor to be in the latest computer building project and gaming section of

  • Netscape out of the browser war??

    Published: Thursday, June 7, 2001 | By: Dennis

    It looks like Netscape has finally given its last breath. I have been pretty loyal to Netscape over the years, even after they sold out to AOL. Resistance is futile when going against the 3v1l 3mp1r3.

    The only thing I hate about IE is the "sloppy code" support, but as Bill Gates would put it "It is a feature!".

  • Things to come

    Published: Wednesday, June 6, 2001 | By: Dennis

    As for things to come here at Ninjalane.
    I have a slick new case mod in the works, I am hoping to have the photos and write-up in the projects section later this week. The gaming section should be coming online shortly there after, most likely towards the end of the month, I'm still working on the code. There should be a number of product reviews coming down the pipe as well, I have some things to work out with the supplier so be patient.
    I have also been giving my old forums a facelift. I would still consider the forums in Beta mode right now but feel free to check out the new look here.