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Recycled Case Mod Project
Author: Dennis Garcia
Published: Monday, January 07, 2002

About this case
This is a case mod built of leftover parts. During the construction of the Playtime mod
I needed some extra parts to finish the case. Namely a side panel without vents and some front panel pieces. So to get these
parts another case identical to it was purchased. After the case mod was finished the extra parts where put in a box and
out to the garage it went. Some months later the need for a
custom case arose and out of the garage comes the unused pieces. This is where the casemod picks up
and a project is born.
The idea behind this case was to build something simple, unique, and as quickly as possible. My girlfriend
helped with the mod mostly with the prep work and some of the painting, She was also the one behind many of the color
combos. Here you will see many of the parts being prepped for paint, along with some parts
not included in this mod.
While the prep work was taking place I broke out the trusty drill and started drilling out rivets
and removing panels for painting. Pretty much everything in need of paint was taken apart.
Much like the playtime mod a theme was to be followed trim work and removable pieces where to be painted
or remain metallic silver. The interior frame would be a gloss purple. The exterior panels and larger pieces would be
painted satin black. On a side note if you are after an almost factory look to your painted case choose a satin finish.
The paint is very durable to handling and really gives a nice look to a computer case. I would suggest leaving the gloss finishes to
automotive grade paints.