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Foxconn Inferno Katana P55 Motherboard Review
Author: Dennis Garcia
Published: Monday, February 08, 2010

Bios Features
One of the more powerful features of the Foxconn Quantum Force series is the BIOS. Here you have control over every aspect of the motherboard from voltage settings and frequency adjustments to things like saving BIOS settings and temperature monitoring.
Some of the more interesting screens are pictured below so feel free to click around.
Some of the more interesting screens are pictured below so feel free to click around.
BIOS loading screens are a popular thing for motherboard makers to add since they help promote the overall branding. Unfortunately these screens are a little annoying during the performance tuning process since they cover up the POST details.
To disable this, look for a setting called "Quiet Boot". Normally we wouldn't mention this but Foxconn seemed to think it necessary to bury the setting and give it a werid name.
To disable this, look for a setting called "Quiet Boot". Normally we wouldn't mention this but Foxconn seemed to think it necessary to bury the setting and give it a werid name.
CMOS backup is a huge timesaver especially after failed overclocking attempts. The available descriptions are stored in an option dropdown.
Sadly no manual input is allowed.
Sadly no manual input is allowed.
As with all BIOS menus it is a good idea to root around a bit and find all of the settings you are looking for and what their dependencies could be. We found that several settings were hidden from view if the primary feature was disabled.