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CES 2010 Consumer Electronics Show - Day 2
Author: Dennis Garcia
Published: Friday, January 15, 2010

Gigabyte Suite
Gigabyte was in a nearby suite and had an excellent display of motherboards and video cards. The highlight of the display was this very cool X58 motherboard designed for overclocking and full bandwidth video card benchmarking. The PCB was an extremely thi 8 layers thick and featured a triple threat motherboard cooler.
The block pictured here is for watercooling but the 2 rails behind the block can be used for the external passive radiator.
The block pictured here is for watercooling but the 2 rails behind the block can be used for the external passive radiator.
Btw, the above motherboard has not been released yet but look for it very soon.
Nearby was a similar board design using the P55 chipset and similar chipset cooling method.
Nearby was a similar board design using the P55 chipset and similar chipset cooling method.
Around the booth you'll find another wide assortment of mid-level motherboards and a slightly smaller display of video cards.

Here is one of those X58's running with the passive chipset cooler installed.
The next stop on our "Hotel Hell" tour is right across the street but will literally take us 30min to get there. First a quick elevator ride down 30+ floors, and a brisk walk thru 2 Casinos, out to the side walk to take the skywalk across the street and then do the reverse to get to our destination.
The next stop on our "Hotel Hell" tour is right across the street but will literally take us 30min to get there. First a quick elevator ride down 30+ floors, and a brisk walk thru 2 Casinos, out to the side walk to take the skywalk across the street and then do the reverse to get to our destination.