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Consumer Electronics Showcase (CES) Day 1
Author: Dennis Garcia
Published: Saturday, January 13, 2007

CES is easily the largest and most exciting technology shows in the US and continually attracts more visitors each year. CES 2007 was a record breaking show over 140,000 visitors from around the world to see the latest consumer technology products from the 2,700 exhibitors covering over 1.8 million net square feet of exhibit space.
Let's try and put this show into context. Assuming you wanted to see 70% of what CES has to offer you would only be allowed about a minute at each one of the exhibits (not including travel time) if you planned to make it to the end. That is of course taking into consideration the 4 day run from January 8th - 11th using the 9-6 exhibit time (with an hour for lunch). Over the four days that is a total of 32 hours of show time. Not including transport (which can take up to 30min per bus ride depending on destination).
Ninjalane was at CES for only 2 short days and considering travel time to and from the airport that only gave us about 10 hours to take in the sights of what CES had to offer. Our first stop was at Adata.
Adata is one of the largest memory suppliers in Asia and has recently been extending their reach to the US. Their products are designed for the mainstream user with very little in the way of enthusiast gear but we did find some very interesting things such as a DDR2 1066 2gig memory kit and a DDR800 4gig memory kit. Both come with a custom Adata aluminum heat spreader and red anodizing. (gotta love the red)
The newest item on display where these solid state hard drives that come in a variety of sizes and interface formats such as a 128GB SATA drive, 64GB IDE drive and a 34 form factor Express Card that supports Vista ReadyBoost technology over USB.
Adata also had a variety of other products on display such as their DDR3 modules, a digital picture frame and their famous Disney branded flash drive products including Captain Jack Sparrow on a thumb drive.