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Computex 2010 Day 4
Author: Dennis Garcia
Published: Friday, June 11, 2010

While there was nothing really of interest in either Hall 1 or Hall 3 it was decided that we would walk those halls and see what was going on, never know when you might run into something really cool.
Hall 3 is one of the smaller locations and contained all of the Display and Digital Entertainment vendors. These products typically are digital signs, video cameras, and some video displays.
Hall 3 is one of the smaller locations and contained all of the Display and Digital Entertainment vendors. These products typically are digital signs, video cameras, and some video displays.
After a quick round we moved on to Hall 1. In the past Hall 1 located in the World Trade Center next to Taipei 101. Hall 1 is divided into 2 major sections. Wimax and Communications which normally encompasses everything related to networking and data transfer. The other section is for Peripherals and Accessories which can be anything from keyboards and cameras to embedded technologies.
Neither of the halls was particularly busy.