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Computex 2010 Day 4
Author: Dennis Garcia
Published: Friday, June 11, 2010

Team Memory
Team Extreme memory was the final stop on our Computex adventure. In the early days of DDR Team was one of the big players in the enthusiast market and offered up some of the best handpicked memory modules you could buy. Sadly their place in overclocking history was soon forgotten when they left the US market to concentrate on the APAC markets.
The Team booth hasn't changed much over the years however their product line appears to be unified and covers the entire line of memory from mainstream to 2400Mhz overclocking modules.
That pretty much concludes our 2010 Computex show coverage. We make a point to cover Computex each year, however given the lack luster product display this may be the last one for awhile, time will tell.
Be sure to check the articles index for additional show coverage and the much anticipated Booth Babe article.
Be sure to check the articles index for additional show coverage and the much anticipated Booth Babe article.