Memory Bandwidth vs. Latency Timings @ PCStats
"As the new 800 MHz FSB Pentium 4 processors allowed users to hit never before seen highs in terms of bus speed, many memory manufacturers were trying to capitalize on the situation by releasing every increasing degrees of "high speed" memory.
Unfortunately, to run the memory frequency at the same speed as the FSB (or a 1:1 ratio) almost all the high speed DIMM's (Dual Inline Memory Module) have to have very lax timings. Often, these times are as low as 3-4-4-8!"
This is a pretty good article on memory that addresses many of the confusing points about the modules we buy. Basically when it comes to memory you have a very distinct trade-offs to consider, latency and bandwidth. The benefits of each are very dependent on the motherboard used and if you are planning to overclock.
My advice, find a very high quality module, speed matched for your chipset with the lowest latency. That kind of combo will render the best all around performance with the highest degree of flexibility.
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