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AVN Adult Entertainment Expo 2009 Coverage (NSFW)
Author: Dennis Garcia
Published: Sunday, January 18, 2009

Digital Playground
DP was one of the big exhibitors at AEE and was there promoting their latest movies including Pirates 2 Stagnetti's Revenge. The stars were also on hand signing autographs and posing for photos.
We were offered an opportunity to interview some of the stars and producers from Digital Playground, Sadly our CES schedule wouldn’t allow that to happen. 
Jesse Jane is quite popular; when she was out signing posters the line went clear around the booth and down the hall. About halfway back people claim to have waited more than 45min. (btw Jesse is the one in the pink top, incase you didn't know)

Jesse Jane is quite popular; when she was out signing posters the line went clear around the booth and down the hall. About halfway back people claim to have waited more than 45min. (btw Jesse is the one in the pink top, incase you didn't know)

I think we all know what that look means. 
Time to move on.

Time to move on.