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AVN Adult Entertainment Expo 2009 Coverage (NSFW)
Author: Dennis Garcia
Published: Sunday, January 18, 2009

Around The Show
Become a pr0n producer
This was a neat booth, not only could they get you started into adult productions but you got a chance to see how well you could take photos.
Sadly no prize for the winner.
Sadly no prize for the winner.
Adam & Eve and Vivid Entertainment
Here are two classic names in the industry. The Vivid booth was rather empty every time we walked by. 

The Girls
The best part of AEE is that there is always something going on, provided there is a big enough audience to watch. Here are some photos of the girls at the various booths.
What a great show, next year we’ll need to dedicate some more time to AEE, heck maybe Ninjalane will send someone special just to cover AEE.