Tech News

  • Dual Purpose Memory Causes Confusion

    Published: Friday, October 25, 2002 | By: Dennis

    "In short, the GDDR-3 spec defines key changes in the memory's clocking mechanism and I/O scheme so that it is better-suited for point-to-point links to a graphic controller; this approach differs from DRAMs designed to send and receive data over a bus. The first GDDR-3 devices should arrive next May or June, with speeds starting at 500 MHz and throughput of 1Gbits/second per pin. Later versions will scale to 1.4 to 1.6 Gbits/s."

    Now they are just making stuff up. tongue smile

  • More on the Nvidia NV30

    Published: Friday, October 25, 2002 | By: Dennis

    This is really isn't anything new to us but sheds a little more light on the "why" behind the lateness of the NV30 and how it will affect Nvidia’s market position.

    Personally I think the decision to wait for the 0.13 micron process was a good idea for Nvidia, it is unfortunate from a marketing standpoint that the smallest market share has the biggest mouth. wink smile

  • Serial ATA info @ Explosive Labs

    Published: Thursday, October 24, 2002 | By: Dennis

    Serial ATA is a much-anticipated replacement to the current parallel ATA spec. It promises to provide higher bandwidth and better performance to ATA devices while reducing the amount of wires needed to make the connection. Being that this is new technology you won't find any Serial ATA drives on the market and even if you did they will still be the bottleneck.

    " Serial ATA II will debut in 2004 offering 300MB/s of bandwidth, but unless some more advanced hard drives are developed, the bandwidth might go to waste. Things get even better in 2007 with Serial ATA III and its gargantuan 600MB/s. Serial ATA II and III will be fed from new peripheral technology, most likely PCI express, to deliver all that bandwidth."

    hehe they said "gargantuan" tongue smile

  • NV30 Soon in 2003

    Published: Thursday, October 24, 2002 | By: Dennis

    x-bit labs is reporting that the NV30 will be released until 2003. The reason for the delay is yet undisclosed.

    Nvidia still plans to announce the NV30 chip at Comdex this year, Ninjalane will be attending Comdex this year to witness the event, attend some meetings and most importantly take pictures big grin smile

    "Of course, in order to keep the word that was given to the investors, the company may sell 500 to 1500 NV30-based graphics cards to enthusiasts after the Comdex Fall and then continue to improve the yield of the wafers so to cut the manufacturing expenses before launching the NV30 massively in January or February. "

  • Stupid DOS tricks

    Published: Thursday, October 24, 2002 | By: Dennis

    So the idea was to DOS DNS so that all of the domain names would be un-resolvable but due to the massive amount of backup systems in place and the general configuration of the Internet the attack was pretty much non-existent.

    "Traffic from several Internet service providers have been slightly delayed, but because the domain name system is spread out and because the 13 root servers are the last resort for address searches, the attack had almost no effect on the Internet itself. "

    Better luck next time big grin smile

  • Web Booby Traps

    Published: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 | By: Dennis

    This news story reminds me of an exploit in IE some time ago that would allow a website to capture clipboard data from a client machine. The only trick was you had to get the user to click and run a certain script from your website.

    It's kind of amazing to see what some people have on their clipboards. tongue smile

  • Supercomputer in AMD Future

    Published: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 | By: Dennis

    "Cray and Sandia team up using Opteron chip"

    They plan to build a supercomputer that will preform 100-trillion operations per second and will require 16,000 processors to make it happen.

    As Kyle of [H]ard|OCP would say "But, does it play Quake?"

  • Intel i845E Roundup @ Digit-Life

    Published: Monday, October 21, 2002 | By: Dennis

    The Digit-Life site has changed since I was there last, they have taken the minimalist approach to web design. I can't say that I am impressed with the new design but it is an improvement over the old one. tongue smile

    With that being said motherboard roundups are a really good way to compare motherboards side by side but as you can guess they all perform about the same.

  • Casemodding How-To

    Published: Monday, October 21, 2002 | By: Dennis

    Hello everyone, I'm working on a new casemodding series and would like to have your input. In this series I'll be modifying a stock Antec Performance Plus MG based on results of the poll located in the left margin. I am planning to include at least 5 parts in this series spanning from the basic needs for successful casemodding to some pretty advanced topics.

    Keep in mind this will be a multi part series on casemodding so if you have any requests or suggestions that you don't see in the poll feel free to post them in the Ninjalane Message Forum and I'll see what I can do to get them included.

  • Serious Lack of "Good News"

    Published: Monday, October 21, 2002 | By: Dennis

    Well I've been trolling around some news sites looking for something "good" to post. So far I haven't found anything good. sad smile

    I'll keep looking, though in the mean time if you have any suggestions for a news story Send them in.