Tech News

  • IE Security Update

    Published: Thursday, December 13, 2001 | By: Dennis

    IE is getting more patches than a child's Levis. This time Microsoft fixes 3 vulnerabilities in one. I especially like this statement.
    " In order for the attacker to successfully attack the user via this vulnerability, she would need to craft a specially formed web page and host the malicious executable on a site that is accessible to the victim, either on the Internet or on their local network."
    All of a sudden Internet attackers are women.
    To find out more about my funny quote and the patch click here.

  • Intel i845D Chipset Review @ x-bit labs

    Published: Thursday, December 13, 2001 | By: Dennis

    There is some good stuff on how Intel plans to use the i845D chipset along with some benchmarks and comparisons across the P4 offerings. Something that I had not realized was how short the lifespan of this chipset will be. It really makes the move to a P4 a tough one.

  • Xeon vs. Athlon

    Published: Thursday, December 13, 2001 | By: Dennis

    It is an age-old tale of Good vs. Good with one being slightly better than the other. It would seem the faster clock on the Xeon still performs slightly less than the slower Athlon XP on the game side of things. Though much to my surprise some of the tests put the single Xeon as the faster solution.

  • MSI i845D Board Review @ ViaHardware

    Published: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 | By: Dennis

    ViaHardware has posted a preview of this MSI motherboard explaining the features and layout of their latest motherboard. I would guess that is all they are allowed to post considering that the official release of the i845D is still a few days off. What is really strange is that a Via website is one of the first ones to post a preview of an up and coming Intel chipset.

  • Warez Crackdown

    Published: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 | By: Dennis

    For those of you that do not know what Warez is I will elaborate. Think of a digital flea market of software without the exchange of money. Well as it would turn out the software companies are starting to get pissed off about these "markets" and want them shut down. Here is a clip: "Operation Buccaneer, a 15-month undercover investigation into an alleged community of pirates known as Warez."

  • Intel i845D Release

    Published: Monday, December 10, 2001 | By: Dennis

    A couple of days ago it would seem that few new P4 DDR motherboards where released and as always AKIBA had the scoop. Of the boards listed on the website one of them caught my eye, it was a sexy red one from MSI. I?m not sure what to make of the release since according to the translation via Netscape 6 AKIBA is calling the release a "premature start" for the i845D.

  • 802.11a Fast Wireless

    Published: Monday, December 10, 2001 | By: Dennis

    Someone needs to talk to these wireless guys about their number scheme. You would think that 802.11a would be slower than 802.11b but we stand corrected, actually 802.11a operates at 5GHz and is about 5 times faster.

  • Silver PCB Video Card

    Published: Sunday, December 9, 2001 | By: Dennis

    In a quest to be a little different than the competition Triplex has produced a series of video and sound cards with Silver PCB's. AKIBA has the press release and a few photos.

  • Elite Guard Mod

    Published: Saturday, December 8, 2001 | By: Dennis

    Vandal, not related to my schools mascot, has some pretty cool .pak files for RTCW that make the Elite guards either topless or fully nude.

  • Soltek KT266A Mainboard SL-75DRV2 Review @ HARDiNFO

    Published: Friday, December 7, 2001 | By: Dennis

    Well the site isn't in english so I can't really comment on what they have to say but I will say this, Aren't Soltek motherboards usually red?

    I did find that LostCircuts has an English review of the same motherboard posted on their site, so check them out and compaire. cool smile