
Another Slow Day

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It's kind of slow today so I figured I would post an update as to what has been going on here at Ninjalane. First of all after a year of planning and development Ninjalane v2.0 has finally gotten off the ground though the code base will still feature Classic ASP the structure is XHTML. A plan to move the code base to ASP.NET (.aspx) will happen sometime after launch. No launch date has been planned but best guess would be second week in Aug.

We have at least one motherboard review planned for sometime later this month early Aug. I won't go into to much detail at this time but the product will be following the "High Quality & Difficult to Obtain" theme that we try to stick with.

A couple of new case modding "How-To" articles are in the works focusing on some of the more "custom" of mods. Also to complete the "How-To's" full circle a very basic what you need and how to get started "How-To" is also planned.

If you have any suggestions of comments feel free to post them in the Ninjalane Message Forum or email me at

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