Tech News

  • VIA DDR333 Summit 2002

    Published: Tuesday, January 22, 2002 | By: Dennis

    It would seem that Via thinks the future is in DDR333 and figures that everyone should know this as well. Think Intel will be at the summit? Ya, your probably right wink smile

  • Osama Hunter-Hacker Busted

    Published: Monday, January 21, 2002 | By: Dennis

    Kim Schmitz was busted just hours before he was going to commit suicide and broadcast it on the net via webcam. What a great way to go into hiding. Do a show and tell if you killing yourself and in the confusion skip town. Click the link to read more.

  • RTCW Official for PS2 and Xbox

    Published: Monday, January 21, 2002 | By: Dennis

    I just finished the single player of this game last weekend. It was tough to beat but really fun to play.

  • AMD Bug in Linux

    Published: Monday, January 21, 2002 | By: Dennis

    It would seem that an old bug in the Athlon processor is still causing problems with Linux 2.4 kernel. The Linux/AMD bug is in relation to a compatibility issue with Intel's 4MB page size. (x86 processors have used 4k pages, ever since paging was introduced in the 80386).

  • [H]ard|OCP Got a Refresh

    Published: Monday, January 21, 2002 | By: Dennis

    Looks like Kyle at [H]ard|OCP has finally gotten his new site design online, complete with dynamic database driven content and HTML code that only IE could love (I wouldn't suggest going there with Netscape 6 you will be in for a surprise). Overall the new design and layout is pretty sweet, a much needed update for an old player.

  • Links Page Updated

    Published: Sunday, January 20, 2002 | By: Dennis

    After many moons of neglect I have updated the links page. The first order of business was to remove all of the dead ones, this was a given since they didn't go anywhere. Next was to remove the links related to counter strike since it sux now. Lastly, to wrap things up I added bunch more.

    I've probably missed quite a few so if you are feeling left out let me know

  • Slow Times for DDR333

    Published: Sunday, January 20, 2002 | By: Dennis

    Or so says this article. Part of the problem is package of the memory chips. Currently most DDR333 ('cept for Kingston) is TSOP and with 333MHz being close to its timing parameter maximum the production yield is low and memory makers are slow, if not reluctant, to retool the factory to a new format that is not considered a standard. Bottom line, they are cheap.

  • Hot Topic for Weekend

    Published: Sunday, January 20, 2002 | By: Dennis

    I've been looking at my stats for the weekend and it would appear that the hot topic is the SL-75DRV4 and SL-75DRV5. Keep an eye out for our review of the SL-75DRV4 it should be posted very soon.

    If there is anything special you would like to know about the SL-75DRV4 feel free to let me know or post a message in the forums and I'll make sure to add it to my review.

  • Corsair XMS PC2400 Review @ PC Stats

    Published: Friday, January 18, 2002 | By: Dennis

    I've been doing a little bit of research into Corsair memory lately and I'm finding that its not really not that different or special in compairson to other DDR vendors (cept for Kingston, I'm not a big fan). For instance the PC2400 stuff they sell is actually PC2700 but Corsair down clocked it so they could get the CAS 2.0 rating. Check it out

  • Arkua 6228 & 7528 Heatsink Review @ Jsi Hardware

    Published: Friday, January 18, 2002 | By: Dennis

    More copper core "ThermoEngines" on review.