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Gigabyte GeForce GTX 470 Super Overclocked Edition Video Card Review
Author: Will West
Published: Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Metro 2033
After a great nuclear war the human race has gone underground in Russia to survive and avoid complete extinction. The game is dark, has plenty of dim lighting effect, dark tunnels, and horrible creatures that go bump in the night.
This is an amazing first person shooter and happens to be one of the most graphic intensive DirectX 11 games on the market today. Metro 2033 is a game that uses about every kind of technology that has been put into DirectX 11 including heavy tessellation and Direct Compute. The game also feature full PhysX support. provided your using an NVidia graphics card.
All of this gives Metro 2033 an incredible gaming experience, that is rough on about any graphic card.
This is an amazing first person shooter and happens to be one of the most graphic intensive DirectX 11 games on the market today. Metro 2033 is a game that uses about every kind of technology that has been put into DirectX 11 including heavy tessellation and Direct Compute. The game also feature full PhysX support. provided your using an NVidia graphics card.
All of this gives Metro 2033 an incredible gaming experience, that is rough on about any graphic card.
The Metro 2033 base settings on this benchmark for both cards are set to DirectX 11, Anti-Aliasing AAA, and Anisotropic 16x. PhysX is disabled for this testing to make it a level playing field and the rest of the settings are below.
2560x1600 - High Quality
1920x1200 - Very High Quality
1680x1050 - Very High Quality
2560x1600 - High Quality
1920x1200 - Very High Quality
1680x1050 - Very High Quality

Metro 2033 is much like Crysis with its serious ability to put the cap on super fast GPUs. The GTX 470 SOC holds out a small win over the reference GTX 470. Still the GTX 470 SOC has no chance of catching up to the GTX 480, but it does beat out the Radeon 5870. Metro 2033 seems to favor the NV GPU so this is not surprising. The GTX 470 SOC does create some smooth game play at the lower resolutions which is great.