Tech News

  • Radeon 7500 Review @ RivaStation

    Published: Tuesday, October 2, 2001 | By: Dennis

    I must say a very impressive review. The 7500 is a die-shrunk and overclocked Radeon 1 so there isn't really that many new things to talk about except that it can outperform its price competitor the GeForce Pro.

    If we can expect this performance from the 7500 I'm curious to know how the 8500 will do.

  • AOpen AK77Plus Review @ TheTechZone

    Published: Tuesday, October 2, 2001 | By: Dennis

    Aopen has been known to put out some pretty nice boards and every once in awhile they surprise us with something special. The Tech Zone has a sample of their latest offering the AK77Plus which to me looks to be quite similar to the Soyo Dragon without the sound. For more on the Soyo Dragon keep an eye out for our review that will be posted soon.

  • GeForce3 Titanium Previews

    Published: Monday, October 1, 2001 | By: Dennis

    There is actually to many "previews" to count and/or list here so I'm just going to pick one and run with it. Besides I think LittleWhiteDog says it best "I'm sure there will probably be a whole crapload of TI reviews today."

    Now if only the game developers can catch up maybe we will have something to look forward to.

  • The Many Different ThermoEngines

    Published: Sunday, September 30, 2001 | By: Dennis

    Back when this heatsink first came out it had a hollow core though in the interest of cutting manufacturing costs ThermoSonic filled up the core at the cost of a slight decrease in cooling performance. The Overclockers crew looks back at this interesting heatsink and reviews the different styles and configurations.

  • Quake3 1.30 Final

    Published: Friday, September 28, 2001 | By: Dennis

    Quake3 PointRelease 1.30 has been released and can be downloaded just about anywhere. I put fileplanet down since they will give you some information about the release before you download it.

  • Super Fast RDRAM by Samsung

    Published: Friday, September 28, 2001 | By: Dennis

    Samsung has taken the leap and improved RDRAM by using the 0.12 micron process. So, just like processors the die shrinks and the speed increases. Here is a quote

    " In the new chip, the density will increase to 567 megabits per chip and the speed will rise to 1,066MHz, vs. today's maximum of 256 megabits and 800MHz."

    We will most likely not see this new memory until the new 533MHz Pentium 4 is released.

  • Intel vs. Via, The Expansion

    Published: Thursday, September 27, 2001 | By: Dennis

    Nope its not a new Lucas film title but Intel getting really pissed off.

    "Intel expanded its legal fight with Via Technologies on Wednesday by filing patent infringement suits in Germany, the United Kingdom and Hong Kong."

    This lawsuit could set one of two companies quite a few years back. The question is which one will it be?

  • Sound Blaster Still Sux

    Published: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 | By: Dennis

    This is kind of funny. ViaHardware has been following the issues behind the new "Audigy" sound card from Creative and it looks as though the same sound quality issues exist when used with a VIA enabled motherboard.

    The really interesting thing is that GameSpot gave the card a 9 out of 10.

  • Freeway FWD-A7KA Motherboard Review

    Published: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 | By: Dennis

    I just got done putting the finishing touches on our latest review the Freeway Design FWD-A7KA. This board is very similar to the FWD-CUPA in product features.

    Plus being that it is a Freeway Product it has that Sexy Red PCB!. big grin smile

  • SSL to be imbedded

    Published: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 | By: Dennis

    A new world of auto-encryption and basic network safety awaits you in the near future. Everything from Network cards to Switches will have the ability to encrypt/decrypt every packet that flows through those wires. No more sniffing with abandon.